Know Your Doctor
Dr. O.P. Prajapati

Dr. Om Pakash Prajapati
- MS
- MCh
- Specialist - Thyroid & Breast Cancer
Dr. Om Prakash Prajapati is a qualified Endocrine & Thyroid Surgeon. He studied his MBBS from G.S.V.M. medical college Kanpur, MS from King George Medical University Lucknow and MCh from Sanjay Gandhi P.G.I. Lucknow. He is specialist of many endocrine surgical procedures and breast cancer surgeries.
Specialist For:
- Thyroid Lump (Thyroid me Ganth)
- Goitre (Ghegha Rog)
- Thyroid Cancer
- Neck Lump (Gale Ki Ganth)
- Hypo/Hyperthyroidism
- Stan (Breast) me Ganth ka Dva se ilaj)
- Stan (Breast) me Ganth ki Cosmetic Surgery
- Stan Me Cancer (Breast Cancer)
- PTH Harmone Problems
- Hypercalcimia
- Hyperthyroidism
- Adrinal Gland Cancer
- Endocrine Pancreas Tumor
- Parotid Gland Tumor
- Obesity (Motapa)